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After Gacy attempted to rape him, Cram moved out of the property in October. In July 1976, 18-year-old David Cram, who worked for Gacy at his construction firm PDM, moved into Gacy's house. Gacy's mother had lived at the property until Gacy and Hoff wed in July 1972. Their divorce was official one month later. His then-wife Carole Hoff and her two daughters from a previous marriage resided there in February 1976. The latest development occurred in March 2021, when the 2,500-square-foot property was sold for $395,000 after two years on the market.Īs heard in Conversations With a Killer, in the early 1970s, Gacy was popular in the Norwood Park area with his neighbors, often hosting summer parties with well-respected members of the local community, including politicians.įor a period of time, Gacy did not live entirely alone at 8213 West Summerdale Avenue. Over time, the address has been vacated and re-sold on numerous occasions. The brand-new house was reportedly purchased in 1988 by a woman for her parents. Getty ImagesĪccording to, the land where Gacy's home once stood remained vacant until 1986, when a three-bedroom and two-bathroom home was erected in its place. Police outside John Wayne Gacy's home in December 1978.

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